United Women in Faith - Western North Carolina Conference
We believe love in action can change the world.
Our Love Offering will be a Gift to Mission Giving through United Methodist Women.
The Serenity Prayer
God, Grant me the Serenity
To accept the things I cannot change
Courage to change the things I can
And the Wisdom to know the difference
Author: Reinhold Niebuhr
Mission u 2020 LIVE Recordings – October 26-29, 2020
Monday, October 26, 2020
Session 1 – Serenity
Session 1 Handout
PowerPoint Session 1
Session 1 Chat Excerpts
Wednesday, October 28, 2020
Session 3 – Courage
Session 3 Handout
PowerPoint Session 3
Session 3 Chat Excerpts
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
Session 2 – Acceptance
Session 2 Handout
PowerPoint Session 2
Session 2 Chat Excerpts
Thursday, October 29, 2020
Session 4 – Wisdom
Session 4 Handout
PowerPoint Session 4
Session 4 Chat Excerpts
Mission u Spiritual Growth Study:
Finding Peace in an Anxious World
Study Leader: Sandrea Williamson
Music provided by Catherine Ritch
October 26-29, 2020 7:00-8:15pm
Virtual Online Study via Zoom Meeting
Please read the text book: Finding Peace in an Anxious World,
continue to pray and sign up for the study.
Session Handouts / PowerPoint:
Monday, October 26 – Session 1 – Serenity / PowerPoint 1
Tuesday, October 27 – Session 2 – Acceptance / PowerPoint 2
Wednesday, October 28 – Session 3 – Courage / PowerPoint 3
Thursday, October 29 – Session 4 – Wisdom / PowerPoint 4
Finding Peace in an Anxious World resource page on the United Methodist Women website
The book is available in paperback ($10.00) from the UMW Mission Resources E-Store,
and also as a Kindle book ($5.95).
At this time of COVID-19 we are surrounded by much uncertainty and anxiety all over the world. We are not able to “Pass the Peace” at our houses of worship, our children are not able to attend school, so many lives have been lost and many are facing economic uncertainty. Across the country there are marches everyday demanding justice and calling for police reform following the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and others. The stress level for many of us is at an all-time high. Sandrea will lead us through the study using the Serenity Prayer as a guide to help us de-stress and refresh so we may continue to live out our Purpose as United Methodist Women.
God, Grant me the Serenity
To accept the things I cannot change
Courage to change the things I can
And the Wisdom to know the difference
Author: Reinhold Niebuhr
Each year, United Methodist Women gather at locations all over the United States to learn more about missions and about being in mission. In a United Methodist News Service commentary…Schools of Christian Mission…now MISSION U, were described as some of the very best lay faith education being offered in The United Methodist Church.
In our Western North Carolina Conference Mission u, three courses of study are offered, along with a variety of other opportunities. Return to this site for updates…including information about our studies, our study leaders, and more!
Patricia Moore, Dean; Lynn Alexander, Assistant Dean; LaDonna Butts, Business Manager; Amanda Dyer, Housing Manager; Julia Willis, Joanie Strohm, Nancy Reigel, Dianne Beam, Darlene Gardner, Renee Hayes, Carolyn Payne, Linda Greer, Kathy Chadwell, Lisa Bacon, Sandy Letchworth, Gwen Harris, Martha Isenberg, and Lynne Gilbert.
Mission u Program Books: