00:48:15 Lisa Bacon: Click this link to access all you need to know about Mission u 2020 Live: https://bit.ly/Mission-u-2020 Looking for tonight’s handout? Click this link: https://bit.ly/Finding-Peace-Session-2-Handout 00:52:05 Lisa Bacon: Consider this link our virtual offering basket so we can keep making a difference in the lives of women, children, and youth here and around the world: https://bit.ly/Mission-u-Love-Offering 00:57:29 Lisa Bacon: Interested in trying out the Examen app mentioned in Monday night’s session? Examen App (for iphone) by Loyola Press: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/reimagining-the-examen/id1065042173 Examen App (for Android phones) https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gmail.dtaylor.loyola.DailyExamen 00:58:49 Lisa Bacon: A couple of prayer apps you might like: Echo, a prayer app (iphone): https://apps.apple.com/us/app/echo-prayer/id880759027 Echo, a prayer app (android): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cloversites.echo&hl=en_US&gl=US Pray as you go, Daily Prayer (iphone): https://apps.apple.com/us/app/pray-as-you-go/id865934048 Pray as you go, Daily Prayer (android): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=pl.foxcode.prayasyougo&hl=en_US&gl=US 01:24:43 Hannah Holliway: Room 14 felt a particular connection to verses 5 and 6 01:25:12 Myrtle Kinyon: Room 7 - Trust, faithfulness, earn a good reputation, acknowledge God with your whole being, don't lose your grip on love and loyalty. 01:25:20 Carla Whitmire: Room 6 also connected with verses 5 & 6 01:25:20 Renee Hayes: Prov. 3:5 was the most familiar part of this passage for Room 24 - on a poster from childhood and a mother’s gift for another 01:25:21 Nancy Litton: Room 23 found common appeal and thought with vrs 5 Trust in the Lord... And we spoke of the importance in allowing God to support us in trying times to bring us through adversity 01:25:39 Billie Larime: Trust that the Lord gives us both good times and bad times. Trust the Lord is always there. 01:25:55 Effie: Room 15: Trust in the Lord (helps me make choices; needs Him in her life and uses it as breath prayers; acknowledge God in all you do and I understand it more and more as to why I should do that. 01:25:55 Sibyl Long: Group 16 - You need to read your bible to be able to know and live your faith 01:26:10 Becky Brock: Room 22: The 1st scriptures guide us to read the scriptures, the last guides us as we trust everything to God. 01:26:24 Sandy Hieronymus: Room 25 kept hearing another group talking. It was hard to hear. Hard to talk over the other group. 01:26:57 Nancy Norton: In all your ways acknowledge him. Trust in the Lord. Lean not on your own understanding. Group 1 01:27:02 Renee Hayes: So many praise songs include verses like these. Maybe these contemporary Christian choruses are today’s version of memory verses. 01:27:07 Michelle Matthews: Linda's group: Vs. 3, 5,6,7. Seeking God for wisdom and trusting in his love for us to guide us. Binding mercy and truth in time of turmoil and confusion. Depart from evil. 01:27:07 Sibyl Long: Group 16 not trusting in our own insite 01:27:11 Lynn Alexander: Room 11 - trusting the Lord with all your heart - the stress with COVID is keeping us from our family members and it is breaking our hearts. We know that He will give us strength to get through this. 01:27:15 Carla Whitmire: Room 6: Also shared that writing these verse on our hearts is important as well in that we are carrying the words with us always. 01:27:18 Jean Carter: Jean Carter - HIs guidelines are written on our hearts 01:27:29 Carol Harper: Room 4 Trust in God, do not depend on our own knowledge. You don't know, what you don't know. 01:27:40 Jatana Royster: Kim Shafer's group...I forgot our room number! Verses 5-6 stood out to almost all of us. One adopted this as her verse while in college, used it in her wedding etc. We said that if you can do this you get peace during anxious times but it can be hard to do. We have to hold on to God and know he will bring us joy again. 01:28:01 Amy Johnson: Room 21 - Trust in the Lord - that God has a plan for our lives. His way may not be the way we had in mind. 01:28:15 Brenda Steadman: Room 19 Have scripture with you 01:29:30 LaDonna Butts: Accept the fact that we can never change the world to the way WE want it, we must pray that God uses us to change it to the way HE wants it. 01:30:02 Nancy Jo Willis: Room 25 - Verse 5 spoke to us all and particularly to one of our ladies when her son went missing for several years. Trusting in the Lord with all your heart will help to carry you thru anything that happens. 01:31:31 Michelle Matthews: I love that we are talking about Trauma Informed Care in the context of our service through the Church Universal 01:47:13 Hannah Holliway: Room 14 thought of Not my will but thine will be done. We thought it was good that God is larger than us and larger than our egos! We realize that acceptance is difficult but we do need to submit to God’s will 01:47:20 Billie Larime: Must turn over to God a situation that you can not change. Don't go crazy about doing it yourself. 01:47:21 Myrtle Kinyon: Room 7 - Acceptance means we are okay with the way we are; we are God's children, his creation. Accept others as they are. Acceptance is active, it moves, it grows. We don't waste energy by being anxious. 01:47:21 Renee Hayes: Room 24 - Acceptance isn’t giving up. It’s acknowledging that we cannot change every that is difficult to accept. But the energy we spend fighting a situation can be better used leaning into a predicament and making the best of it. 01:47:27 Gay Smith: Group 12: we agree with the qoate We cannot bargain with God, letting gp let God 01:47:58 Nancy Litton: Room 23 were in agreement that one carries on with with acceptance as that is what is necessary; we found the connection with the Proverb verse... Trust in the Lord.... and we also spoke of the benefit of the Breath Prayer in these circumstances 01:47:59 Marion Hosey: Group 20: Acceptance takes discernment. There are things that we can't change (we spoke of children with special needs) but there are places where we are called to help (we spoke of racial injustice). 01:48:09 Becky Brock: Room 22: #4, agree: Most of the time we try to make things like we want them to be. We would be more free and less anxious to accept life as it is and trust God. 01:48:30 Lynn Alexander: Room 11 - if you start by putting yourself first then you are putting yourself ahead of God. There is a peace that comes with acknowledging that God is in control and that he is bigger than any issue you have. 01:48:40 Carol Harper: Room 4, Acceptance is active. Accept ourselves as really are. Acceptance is acknowledging that God is sovereign. In acknowledging what you can't change, you can move forward. 01:49:22 Shari Osborne: Its hard to relinquish control, but what a burden to give up when we give it to God. 01:49:55 Jatana Royster: Group 18 - Someone mentioned that the Doctrine of Discovery has been around longer than the U.S and that is still not given up...People short change what God can do....Women are expected to accept things said about them and that can be difficult...the older we get the harder it can be to accept change but we have to be more understanding...the more things challenge us, the more we need to understand why we are challenged and educate ourselves especially as UMW...someone referenced the paragraph above Question 3 on page 37 of our study book 01:50:05 Gwen Harris: Group 5 agreed that acceptance is a positive step, spiritually achieved. Acceptance is important in that it enables us to move with life. 01:50:38 Michelle Matthews: Group 9: Most people came from a background of success being a function of trying your hardest which has fostered an expectation of being able to control . Also understanding that although the culture of our families may have been formed ot some extent upon the premise of control, we can recognize this and work to change to culture of our families for generations to come. 01:50:40 Jean Carter: Group 17 - Control is hard to give up, We may not know what harm we do when we control. Change can be good. Letting new people lead can be good. 01:51:02 Sibyl Long: Group 16 -- be able to forgive self and others. We don't trust God enough sometimes and to let go and let God. 01:51:29 Effie: Room 15: acceptance of different ways to handle grief; acceptance of different ways to handle family situations; acceptance of schools being either face-to-face or virtual...safety of the students and the school personnel. 01:52:57 Nancy Jo Willis: Room 25 - Quote 4: Acceptance is a true gift. If we can give a problem or situation to God and accept that we cannot change it, that allows us to step back and lean on God. If we keep trying to change something, we can begin to obsess over it and find ourselves in that false reality. It is very challenging to learn acceptance but if we can learn to accept, life will be easier and we won't be struggling with things we cannot impact or change. 01:53:11 Mary McNeilly: Room 10 agreed that we have to accept God's will and that he knows what is best. Dealing with the disappointments and prayers not answered the way we want is hard but we have to accept that God is all knowing and his plan is so much bigger than anything we can understand. 01:54:25 Michelle Matthews: Group 9: We are able to relinquish control to God knowing that we are all created by God and divinely positioned so that our view or perspective is one sided and we are not positioned to see the whole that God sees. 02:00:45 Victoria Brown: Room 2: A time to find peach with God, to learn Acceptance starts with self Love, to appreciate your surroundings in a positive manner. Approach things in a step by step manner. Don't be overcome with to many problems at once. Know that God is with you as you overcome being accepted by others, and allowing yourself to overcome those that don't except you. Learn that you cannot do it all. 02:06:19 JoAnn Barbour: I read this book in March and it made such an impression on me. I looked forward to Mission u and what this class had to offer. Then Mission u didn’t happen.