00:47:34 Lisa Bacon: Looking for tonight’s handout? Click this link: https://bit.ly/Finding-Peace-Session-3-Handout 01:01:40 Lisa Bacon: Click here to donate: https://tiny.cc/missionuoffering 01:09:46 Carol Harper: Frayed 01:10:01 Carla Whitmire: nervous vs confident 01:10:18 Carol Harper: Courage with muscles. 01:10:25 Darlene Gardner: Courage to me is doing what may frighten me but doing it anyway, 01:10:38 LaDonna Butts: Courage is John Lewis 01:10:39 Nancy Norton: I see anxiety as dark grey. Courage...maybe white. 01:10:41 Carol Anderson: It is courage that allows us to speak up when we need to do so. 01:10:48 Carla Whitmire: ageed Darlene 01:10:50 Sandy Hieronymus: lightning bolt vs calmer sky 01:10:56 Linda Sadler: Anxiety would be an octopus all tied up in knots. 01:11:44 Michelle Matthews: Courage is righteous action despite fear, doubt or danger. 01:11:47 Carol Anderson: Thanks be to God. 01:28:37 LaDonna Butts: The connection between courage and the proverbs is to keep my words means that we can find the examples of courage in the Bible (The words of God). The Bible gives us an example. 01:29:23 Janice Taylor: Room 5 - Courage is stepping out on faith - story tells us it didn't hold up. Courage is fleeting; falters when we let our thoughts take over. 01:29:49 Kim Shafer: Staying connected to God-Jesus and Peter were both courageous. 2) courage and faith 3) Jesus had full confidence in the Lord 4) sometimes have to stand alone - sometimes we need to serve the Lord alone 5) Relationship. 01:29:53 Donna Parsons: Group 14: Ester showed great courage as did the women who went to the tomb. WE should be prayed up and studied up! 01:30:14 Amanda Dyer: Courage takes being focused on God. It can be scary. One of the most difficult types of courage is speaking out against injustice because we often worry about what others will think of us if we speak out. We need to remember that we need to please God first, people second. We need to be open to hear messages from God. 01:30:23 Kim Shafer: Keep eyes, focus and prayers on God. Have that relationship. Know your scripture and have it in your heart to help have courage 01:30:39 Lynn Alexander: Room 21 - Peter's belief in what Jesus could do is what gave him the courage to step out. Peter knew he could drown but did not rest on his on understanding. Courage and faith are connected. both passages spoke on listening to the Lord. 01:31:26 Marion Hosey: Group 18: Peter had the courage to ask to go toward Jesus. He had the courage to leave the boat. He lost focus and floundered. But he had the courage to ask for help. And Jesus reached out to hold him. 01:31:45 Becky Brock: Room 13: Peter had trust/courage in Jesus-a matter of trust. Proverbs: keep word in your heart. Our heart is the core of our soul - gives us courage. We need to listen/get quiet to hear Holy Spirit speaking to us. Meditating. We need to turn off the tv and other distractions. Examples of courage: Ruth Esther, Sarah, Miriam, Mary of Nazareth, Martha 01:31:52 Janice Taylor: Room 5 - Connection is to vs. 20; being more attentive to the Lord's words. Other examples of courage: Ester, Ruthm, Daniel, 4 women whose father died and they spoke up and asked for their portions of land, Moses leading Israelites out of bondage; Samaritan woman at the well; Mary & Joseph 01:31:59 Billie Larime: Breakout 15 The courage is the ability to speak out our truth when it is needed. Courage is the way to overcome challenges when they arise. Courage is stepping out with action when it is needed. 01:32:12 Janette Gann: Keep Prayed up & Studied up.... 01:32:49 Carol Harper: Courage is acting in spite of fear or feelings of inadequacy, stepping up in faith. We see courage in health care workers, 1st responders, demonstrators, single parents, those who speak up for defenseless. Courage in Bible: Rahab, Daniel, Esther, Good Samaritan, Moses. God doesn't call the equipped, he equips the called. 01:32:56 Nancy Litton: Group 7 had great conversation -- Peter needing courage and finding it with Jesus; we noted our eyes on Jesus support us getting courage from Christ; without Jesus the disciples did not have courage, but they could see it when engaged with Jesus. Proverbs illustrates our need of Christ to undergird our abilities. We are lost without Jesus. And a LOT of examples of courage throughout the bible... so many, many. 01:33:30 Glenda Fuhrmann: Room 8 courage takes faith; without faith, courage can fail. Proverbs scripture - stay focused to keep courage. 01:35:04 LINDA GREER: II Corinthians 5 was cited as saying that on earth we have an earthly tent, but in Heaven w will have a permanent dwelling and will always have courage. 01:36:31 Belinda Worsham: Room 10 So many women of Bible had courage; Mary Mother of Jesus, the woman with the issue of blood who braved the crowds to touch the hem of Jesus robe, the woman who challenged Jesus by telling him even dogs deserved the crumbs cast to the dogs from their master's table, Esther who spoke up to protect her people at the threat of death. 01:37:07 Janette Gann: FEEL the FEAR & DO it Anyway.... 01:38:20 Joyce Irby: Janette Gann--YES! 01:38:44 Janette Gann: Amen sister Joyce 01:38:52 LINDA GREER: Those in the Bible who demonstrated courage: Rahab, Esther, Mary, Mary Magdaline, Ruth, Deborah, Lydia, Daniel, Joshua, Noah, Moses, David, the Disciples, Paul, Timothy. Health care workers of today show great courage as well as all those who take a stand for Christianity. 01:41:27 LINDA GREER: If that's not Courage, I don't know what is! 01:41:28 Jean Haddock: And Gig Melkonyan is at the Center in Berdzor, staying mostly in the basement because of the bombing! 01:46:12 Lynne Gilbert: Brene Brown TED Talk: https://www.ted.com/talks/brene_brown_the_power_of_vulnerability/up-next?language=en 01:46:16 Lisa Bacon: Link to TED Talk: https://bit.ly/Power-of-Vulnerability-TED-Talk 02:00:21 Kim Shafer: Rm 3: 1)Make it through every day 2) face new unfortunate personal circumstances 3) stand-up for justice 4) have acceptance 5) How do we have courage to face change? 02:01:05 Deborah Matthews: from Deborah Matthews amen 02:01:08 Marion Hosey: Group 18: We need courage in the face of many challenges- to take a positive stand in a non-positive atmosphere. Courage to face COVID, voter intimidation, inequalities. Courage to ask for God's help. 02:01:15 Janice Taylor: Room 5- Need courage "for the Facing of this Hour"; for 2020. Have courageous conversations - courage to change the things we can. 3) Pray, trust. 02:01:16 Billie Larime: Breakout room 15 Courage is needed to listen carefully to the hurting or sad of a situation. Courage for daily living survival of covid-19. 02:01:21 Carol Harper: Without courage, we would be paralyzed We need to face the world, meet God's purpose. We need to FOCUS ON JESUS, have faith, get out of the boat, not get sidetracked. 02:01:31 Lynn Alexander: Need courage to keep going. We need keep our connections to God and that will give us courage to follow Jesus onto the water! 02:01:39 Sibyl Long: Group 24 -- pray and believe to find the courage. We need to embrace people whi do not agree with us. 02:01:40 Nancy Litton: #7 group, Courage keeps us from being stuck; to get through things; as momentum to carry on. 02:02:12 Becky Brock: Room 13: We need courage to exist-to respond when the Holy Spirit nudges us. John 16:33 is a scripture to help when we are down, troubled or anxious. Drawing on this scripture helps with Christian courage. 02:02:18 Donna Parsons: Group 14: Quote from MLK in the 1960s, " Social justice and progress are absolutely necessary to avoid rioting. 02:02:19 LINDA GREER: We need courage to get out of bed each morning! LOL! Following Jesus and living according to the Beatitudes in today's world takes courage. In order to find Courage, we must Pray for it. 02:04:27 Sandy Hieronymus: Room 14 courage during pandemic - courage for Black Lives Matter movement - quote by Martin Luther King, Jr. Social Justice and progress are absolute deterrents to rioting - say yes instead of no - work at and pray for courage - God is always with us - focus on song Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus 02:08:16 Joyce Irby: This is used in some schools for children with special needs. It is really helpful.