Session 1 Chat Excerpts from Study Discussion: Click this link to find all the Mission u 2020 information: 00:50:36 Lisa Bacon: Click this link to see the handout for tonight’s session: 00:58:02 Lisa Bacon: Your generous support makes it possible for United Methodist Women to show “Faith, Hope, and Love in Action.” Click this link to make an online donation to the Mission u Love Offering: 01:29:13 Kimberly Logan: Wisdom helps create peace and happiness, so get in your Bible and study to get closer to God and get that wisdom! 01:29:14 Sibyl Long: From Group 10 -- God is wisdom and Wisdom is God! 01:29:19 Amy Johnson: A person with wisdom is calm, doesn't allow emotions to enter into the situation. 01:29:45 Marion Hosey: Room 21: Wisdom is found by listening and being open to experiences, both our own and others. 01:29:51 Billie Larime: Knowledge has to be applied thru experience, then you have wisdom. Billie Larime 01:30:02 Jean R. Wall: Spending time with Scripture and with God, gives us wisdom. We need to study the scriptures to find out God's purpose for us. Pat's Group. 01:30:02 Sibyl Long: Be delightful person in wisdom 01:30:23 Renee Hayes: Room 22 - We agreed that wisdom is often associated with age, but admittedly, folks with fewer years can often share profound insights. Life experiences provide wisdom, not just age. But maintaining focus on God is the source of wisdom. 01:30:40 Rowena Lisenby: Wisdom is experience! 01:30:42 Sandy Hieronymus: Group 8 - level in Christian history from beginning - there for taking so pray for it - greatest asset of being a Christian ✝️ 01:30:54 Janette Gann: Yes! Billie Larime! 01:31:05 Kristie Gingery: Biblical characters are role models who help us understand wisdom and God by example. 01:31:08 Amy Johnson: Room 25: A person with wisdom is intuitive - relies on past experiences. A person who has love, joy, peace and understanding. A person can glean wisdom from others. If you have peace in your heart and let your heart lead you - that is wisdom. 01:31:09 Nancy Jo Willis: Room 35 - Wisdom grows in us as our knowledge of God grows. We receive wisdom through the Holy Spirit as we look to God as our Heavenly Father and Master. 01:31:13 Amanda Dyer: Group 5 discussed that wisdom is created by and comes from God. Wisdom requires strength, much like the roots of a tree provide a good foundation for a tree, wisdom can provide a strong foundation for our spiritual growth. 01:31:37 Martha Phillips: room 13. wisdom is there from the beginning and builds through life experiences 01:31:41 Gay Smith: From room 17: Wisdom is making good choices, willing to grow and change, be openminded, taking life experiences into consideration. What makes a women 01:32:23 Mary McNeilly: Group 18 Wisdom comes from God and our life experiences. God delights in our wisdom and our actions and values us. 01:32:27 Lynn Alexander: Room 1 - we noted that her being in the beginning makes it that much more important. Wisdom is never ending, seeking wisdom is a life long endeavor. Knowledge is a beautiful gift that cannot be taken away from you. We liked the idea that it was represented as a woman. 01:32:49 Martha Phillips: room 13 continued. it is important for us to stay close to our LORD throughout all of our life stages. 01:33:07 Michelle Matthews: Ritha's group:1. Woman is characterized as wise and valuable. 2. UMW choose and participate in causes that leads them to protest and speak up for those who do not have a voice. 3. The bible hearkens us to "listen" to a woman for she is wise. 4. If you want it done ask a woman. 5.Woman will walk even in difficult paths for the sake of justice. 01:33:56 Effie: Room 15 Thought of wisdom as crying out; being more internal; sharing with others; women in Jesus' time had to persevere; noble things came from walking with God; treat people the same; she raises her voice to call them to pay attention; she was a faithful person; she was walking with the Creator and was sharing what God shared with her. 01:34:23 JoAnne Gunter: God gives us most wisdom when we ask for it to give guidance and keep us on track. 01:34:50 Jeanne Stetler: Jean from Debby’s group- wisdom was there in the beginning and as a master worker we must work on it daily. It is what God would tell us to do. God’s work is our master work. 01:46:55 Linda Deese: Group 18 comment - Anxiety is a terrible feeling, where you feel hopeless and helpless. We must learn to let go and let God. Serenity is the best feeling in the world. A peace that passes all understanding. 01:47:09 Kimberly Logan: Room 4. Anxiety hit Mary and Joseph in the worst way as parents. Anxiety for us is 01:47:39 Billie Larime: Anxiety causes you not to sleep or concentrate. Peace is when you turn your problems over to God and let him takes the worry away. Billie Larime 01:48:11 Janet Sizemore: Janet from Nancy's group - Anxiety is more physical and serenity is when you trust God in handling everything 01:48:12 Marion Hosey: Group 21: Sometimes anxiety leads to hypervigilance rather than serenity. We felt their anxiety but we weren't sure that they came to a sense of serenity. 01:48:22 Kimberly Logan: Room 4. Feels like fear, dread and lack of control. Serenity is peace and calm and can come from being outside in nature. 01:48:28 Sibyl Long: Jesus was serene and could not understand why Mary and Joseph were so anxious. 01:48:34 Jean R. Wall: Group 11 Pat's group. 1. They experienced panic and worry about the danger. 2. Anxiety can make us physically ill. Also tense, making it hard to concentrate and problem solve. 3. Serenity is peace and calmness. 01:48:35 Carla Whitmire: Anxiety causes stress and physical ailments. 01:48:40 Jeanne Stetler: Debbie’s group- anxiety= fear, uncomfortable,heart palpitations, pure panic, mind racing, unsettling and physically ill. Serenity - calm, serene, peaceful 01:48:40 Nancy Jo Willis: Room 35 - panic, loss of control, fear of unknown, sometimes anger, and then relief. Serenity = calm, peaceful, joy. 01:48:56 Michelle Matthews: Ritha's group: Anxiety causes fear, separation of relationship, confusion, disruption of body systems and a risk to our health. Mary was probably labeled a bad mother and blamed for "losing" Jesus for 3 days. Serenity is calm and peace. 01:49:09 Myrtle Kinyon: Group 27- When our children and grandchildren live far away, we worry about them because we can't see them. We have lost fun and sponteneity in our lives. Worry about church members; make one appreciate being physically present. Feeling of out of control. Peace feels like a weight has been lifted. 01:49:23 Gay Smith: Group 17:Extra anxiety because he was special and God had entrusted them to 01:49:24 Sandy Hieronymus: Group 8 - Anxiety: searched group first - frantic - surprised to have found Him in safest place. Serenity: peace - quiet - clamness 01:49:34 Nancy Litton: Room 9 discussed the fear, worry, and negativity expectation is common; we also discussed how anger is sometimes expressed. ONe of our members share a song written in response to this scripture.... Mary turning to Gabrielle wondering 'where are you now'? Who were here before, but in this time of need... where are you now? 01:49:35 Renee Hayes: Room 22 - We could not imagine not being able to locate our child for 3 whole days! We are anxious when things feel out of control. But in reality, we have control of very little except our own reactions to whatever stresses us. Anxiety has very physical sensations - shortness of breath, tightness in our necks, stomach ailments, headache. Serenity = quietness, peace 01:49:49 Becky Brock: Room 2: anxiety: that middle of the night, gut-feeling, can't do anything about what is going on in life. Tightening in chest. Serenity: God is there and you don't have to do it alone. 01:49:59 Gay Smith: take care of him blame game fear, scared.. 01:50:07 Sibyl Long: Group 10 even though Jesus was 12 in his culture he was almost an adult but his parents still very anxious 01:50:12 Lynn Alexander: Group 1 - Mary and Joseph must have felt panic not knowing where he was. anxiety can bring you closer to God if you lean on him. Anxiety can help you to realize how much you need God. Serenity is calm and peace. 01:50:20 Effie: Room 15: anxiety is not knowing what is going to happen next; has learned to live in the moment; felt that Mary and Joseph felt panic more than anxiety; having faith that God was looking after Him; one does not get too panicky or too anxious; she would be able to calm herself down; heart pounding because someone did not call; however peace comes over her and she was able to sleep that night; 01:50:24 Kristie Gingery: group 34- anxiety is loss of control, panic, helplessness, fear. Serenity is safety, peace, closeness to God 01:50:28 Shari Osborne: We talked about Jesus was growing in his wisdom 01:50:43 Hannah Holliway: Rm 16. We had some members with experience losing a child for a few minutes. We felt like Mary and Joseph would be frantic, walking very quickly to find Jesus. Anxiety to us felt like rapid heart rate, angst. 01:51:19 Michelene Mathews: Room 28 Mary and Joseph may have felt out of control as parents and unsure of themselves. 01:51:25 Gwen Harris: Room 7- We could imagine worry, fear, not thinking straight, and blaming each other. Serenity was peace, rest, and contentment. 01:51:35 Carla Whitmire: Pray 01:55:10 Cathy Ward: They felt failure as a parent. Fearful, concerned for safety of child. Relieved when found him but then anxious and started questioning him. Anxious-elevated BP, elevated heart rate, insomnia, out of control, no place to escape. Serenity-peaceful, relieved, back in tune with everything,