United Methodist Women - Western North Carolina Conference
Turning faith, hope and love into action on behalf of women, children and youth around the world
Mission u 2021
Two Mission Studies,
Various Dates / Times
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2021 Schedule & Registration
Registration is free!
Dates | Study / Times / Study Leaders | Registration Links |
2021 Spiritual Growth Mission Study – Bearing Witness in the Kin-dom: Living Into the Church’s Moral Witness through Radical DiscipleshipYou can purchase the study book for $10.00 at either the United Methodist Women Mission Resources Store, or on Amazon. |
July 15-18, 2021 |
Bearing Witness in the Kin-dom (Full Time Class)
Sessions Complete. See recordings, PowerPoint files, and Chat Excerpts below. |
Session 1 – Grounded Being
Bearing Witness in the Kin-dom
Session 1 PowerPoint
Chat Excerpts Session 1
Session 3 – Historical Clarity
Bearing Witness in the Kin-dom
Session 3 PowerPoint
Chat Excerpts Session 3
Session 2 – Attentive Presence
Bearing Witness in the Kin-dom
Session 2 PowerPoint
Chat Excerpts Session 2
Session 4 – Meaningful Participation
Bearing Witness in the Kin-dom
Session 4 PowerPoint
Chat Excerpts Session 4
2021 Issue Mission Study – Pushout: The Criminalization of Black Girls in SchoolsYou can purchase the study book at Amazon, (also available for Kindle). |
July 19-22, 2021 |
Pushout (Full Time Class)
Click here to Register for Pushout (July 19-22) |
July 23-25, 2021 |
Pushout (Full Time Class)
Click here to Register for Pushout (July 23-25) |
July 31, 2021 |
Pushout (Overview Class)
Click here to Register for Pushout (July 31) |
August 1, 2021 |
Pushout (Overview Class)
Click here to Register for Pushout (August 1) |
Our 2021 Mission Studies
Bearing Witness in the Kin-dom: Living Into the Church’s Moral Witness through Radical Discipleship
In Jesus’ own words, he came to bring good news to the poor, release the captives, restore sight to the blind, and to let the oppressed go free. What is the responsibility of the church to follow Christ’s example in word and deed? While these times might feel particularly turbulent, society has always confronted the church with challenging issues where she has had to discern how God was calling her. The church’s track record in these moments is far from perfect. The purpose of this study is to help the church and its members discern our call and bear witness to the will of God for a more just world. Click to learn more
Pushout: The Criminalization of Black Girls in Schools
Despite increased attention to the mass and over-incarceration of black men, the plight of criminalized black women and girls is overlooked, underreported and under analyzed. Monique W. Morris’ Pushout shows how even with obstacles, stigmas, stereotypes and despair, black girls still find ways to breathe remarkable dignity into their lives in classrooms, juvenile facilities and beyond, and challenges the rest of us to do the same. Click to learn more
Our 2021 Mission Study Leaders
Bearing Witness in the Kin-dom: Living Into the
Church’s Moral Witness through Radical Discipleship

The Reverend Amy Coles
Rev. Amy Coles serves as the Assistant to the Bishop in the Western North Carolina Conference. A graduate of the University of North Carolina – Greensboro in Child Development and Family Relations and Duke Divinity School, she has pastored churches in Trinity, High Point, and Shoals, North Carolina. Prior to this current position, she served as a district superintendent for six years. Amy is an active participant with the denominational Connectional Table, the Board of Rural Faith Development CDC and the Thriving Rural Communities Initiative at Duke. She is the guardian of her 23-year-old nephew, Sergeant Brandon Estrada who is currently stationed with US Army in Germany, and she also cares for her 20-year-old niece, Mae. They both might describe her as “the cool aunt.” She, on the other hand, describes “aunt-hood” as an adventure in patience and prayer.
Pushout: The Criminalization of Black Girls in Schools

Laquetta Barbee
Laquetta Barbee has served United Methodist Women in the Northern Piedmont District in many ways. She is a member of Collins Grove UMC. Laquetta is married to John, and they are parents to two adult sons. She enjoys her grandchildren and traveling. Laquetta previously served as a Mission u study leader in 2018 for What About Our Money? A Faith Response.

Kathy FitzJefferies
Kathy FitzJefferies is a member of the National UMW Racial Justice Charter Support Team and is the UMW Mission Coordinator for Social Action in the Northern Piedmont District. Kathy is a Licensed School Social Worker who has worked in several school districts in North Carolina. Kathy is married to Rev. Dr. Donnell FitzJefferies and is a member of St. Matthews UMC.

The Honorable Denise S. Hartsfield
The Honorable Denise S. Hartsfield was first elected to the bench in 2002 and has remained an active member of the Forsyth County District Court Bench. She is a certified Juvenile Judge. Judge Hartsfield serves on the boards of Carter G. Woodson School of Challenge and H.O.P.E. (Help Our People Eat) as well as other outreach programs. At the St. Paul UMC, she leads the Children’s Church for children ages 6-12. Judge Hartsfield is a certified Lay Servant.

Renee Hayes
Renee Hayes is a UM deaconess and a lifelong member of Trinity Memorial UMC in Trinity. She serves as WNCC UMW Mission Coordinator for Membership Nurture & Outreach. Renee is a Nationally Board Certified teacher who is retired from Randolph County Schools. She served several years as a Mission u youth study leader. Renee is a lay representative on the NC Council of Churches Board of Governors and serves as vice-chair of the WNCC Justice & Reconciliation team.

Joyce Irby
Joyce Irby is the mother of three adult children and the grandmother of four. She and her husband Edward have been married for 27 years. Joyce taught more than 25 years in the public school system. She has spent over 40 years in children’s ministry. Joyce serves as the Lay Leader at Saints Home UMC, President of her UMW Local Unit, and Social Action Mission Coordinator for Yadkin Valley District.

The Reverend Leon Morrow
Rev. Leon Morrow is a UMC elder serving Hickory Grove UMC in Greensboro. Prior to his call to ministry, he worked for the NC Division of Prisons as a staff psychologist. Rev. Morrow was the warden of Western Youth Institution for ten years. That facility was responsible for housing the youngest of adult offenders in NC. He and his wife enjoy biking and fishing. Rev. Morrow has two adult sons

Carolyn Payne
Carolyn Payne is a member of Saint Andrews UMC in Winston-Salem, where she serves as chair of the Church Council and President of UMW. She is a Certified Lay Servant and serves as the District Director of Lay Servant Ministry. Carolyn is a member of Yadkin Valley District Laity Board She is Social Action Mission Coordinator for WNCC UMW. Carolyn is married to Reginald; they have three children, five grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren.
Resources for Children and Youth
Responding to Violence - 2021 Children's Mission Study
This study provides the opportunity to reach children, their parents and guardians with information and techniques that will help prepare them for the violence that they will unfortunately encounter over the course of their lives. This study will give them resources using scripture, role-play and discussion to draw upon when they face situations similar to the ones that we will be looking at. Written by Sue Raymond. Click here to learn more.
Becoming Peacemakers in a Culture of Violence - 2021 Youth Mission Study
This mission study is written for those interested in working alongside youth on issues of violence. Throughout this study, the goal is to take time to have deeper conversations about how we define violence, what the root causes of violence are, and ultimately, how God is calling us to respond. At the same time, the study seeks to guide young people to develop their capacity as peacemakers as an expression of their faith. Written by Jay Godfrey. Click here to learn more.
Our Love Offering will be a Gift to Mission Giving through United Methodist Women.
Each year, United Methodist Women gather to learn more about missions and about being in mission. In a United Methodist News Service commentary, Schools of Christian Mission …now MISSION U, were described as some of the very best lay faith education being offered in The United Methodist Church.
Lynn Alexander, Dean; LaDonna Butts, Business Manager; Amanda Dyer, Housing Manager; Julia Willis, Joanie Strohm, Nancy Reigel, Dianne Beam, Darlene Gardner, Renee Hayes, Carolyn Payne, Linda Greer, Kathy Chadwell, Lisa Bacon, Sandy Letchworth, Gwen Harris, Martha Isenberg, and Lynne Gilbert.
Mission u Program Books: