00:58:52 Debbie Eudym: Yesterday in our breakout room I shared that my church Memorial UMC Charlotte has a Community Food Pantry at the bus stop and is hosting a non profit organization that provides mobile hot showers for anyone in need of one. They are there Thursdays from 10am-1:30pm. The organization is called Project Outpour if you want to check them out. 01:00:46 Lisa Bacon: We join LindaLu in prayer for the United Community Centers in Birmingham, AL, and in wishing Edgar Avitia Legarda, Dionne Boissiere, and Erin Kim a Happy Birthday. 01:03:12 LindaLu: LindaLu's email: jacklindagreer@bellsouth.net 01:05:23 LindaLu: Link to drop-off locations: https://wnc-www.brtsite.com/project-agape 01:06:41 Lynne Gilbert WNCC UMW: Mission u 2021 Announcement slides are available at this link on our website: https://wnccumw.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Mission-u-2021-Announcement-Run-for-Website.pdf 01:07:10 LindaLu: Mission Response Center contact: Brian Mateer 704-714-2340 bmateer@wnccumc.org 01:07:33 Amy Coles: Guerrillas of Grace by Ted Loder (https://www.amazon.com/Guerrillas-Grace-Prayers-Ted-Loder/dp/0806690542/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=guerillas+of+grace&qid=1626633126&sr=8-2) 01:17:44 Linda Johns: no more tears 01:17:47 Janet Sizemore: peaceful 01:17:49 jan Taylor: peaceful 01:17:54 Darlene Gardner: no more sorrow 01:17:55 Lynn Alexander: no more hunger 01:17:58 Sara Williams: Harmony 01:18:01 Julia Willis: Colorless 01:18:02 Jeanne's iPad: No sickness 01:18:02 Debbie Eudy: Paradise 01:18:04 Deborah Ray, WNCC, Smoky Mtn Distr president: All treated with dignity and respect.. 01:18:06 Brenda Steadman: joy 01:18:07 Jean Carter: lack of Illness 01:18:07 Vickie: No pain 01:18:08 Tonya Lanier: unconditional love 01:18:09 Tina Garner: Pure Joy 01:18:11 Linda Johns: love 01:18:18 LindaLu: All will love each other. 01:18:21 Sandra Furr: will actually get along with each other! 01:18:32 Cathy Ward: no suffering 01:18:48 Mary Jo: no apologies needed 01:18:49 Arthur: No one will lack for any need. 01:18:54 Debbie Eudy: No in justice or prejudice 01:19:05 nancy norton: peaceful coexistence 01:19:06 Linda Johns: watch over family 01:50:21 Vickie: The persistant Widow Luke 18 1-8 01:51:14 Tonya Lanier: Group 14 reviewed "the weeds among the wheat", Matthew 13:24-30. 01:53:30 LaDonna Butts: Room 10 put the Good Samaritan to song 02:10:46 Linda Linfors (she, her, hers): Amen, Amy! 02:15:57 Sharon Thompson: Amen, Thank you , Amy!! 02:19:41 Debbie Eudy: Beautiful 02:23:19 Barbara Horgan: Thank you Amy! I am wearing my ribbon as I do every Sunday at church! 02:24:00 Sandra Furr: God has a plan for me! 02:24:32 LaDonna Butts: Once was lost - now am found! 02:24:46 Janet Sizemore: Open to invite all to worship. 02:24:54 Tonya Lanier: I am still work in progress! 02:25:02 Tonya Lanier: He is still working on me! 02:25:29 Lynda Morris: Share God’s merciful love with all! 02:25:52 Amy Coles: Speak out, write, embrace, accept, love. 02:26:13 Cathy Smith: God loves everyone wit no exceptions! 02:26:18 Jo Ann Black: Love and forgiveness without prejudice! 02:26:30 Debbie Eudy: God is working on me everyday 02:26:35 Kathie Clontz Sherrill: My voice can still share love. 02:26:38 Dixie Liggett: Picking up where others left off 02:26:56 jan Taylor: Really, really love all my neighbors 02:27:07 Debbie Eudy: I want to be more Christ-like 02:27:11 Darlene Gardner: Authenic love for ALL God's children. 02:27:13 LaDonna Butts: Be bold, be active, be cou 02:27:19 sylvia sekle: The spirit of the lord is upon me!! 02:27:19 Martha Isenberg: Love God, share and help all 02:27:25 Lisa Bacon: Love first and the rest follows. 02:27:31 Lynne Gilbert WNCC UMW: Love ALL, Bear Witness for Justice 02:27:49 Tina Garner: Work for God, always and forever 02:27:51 Donna Varner: Lead lost sheep to God's love 02:27:57 Brenda Steadman: Show Me The Way, Oh GOD! 02:28:00 Lynn Alexander: Show God's love with my ACTION 02:28:09 Linda Johns: Live, Love according to God's word. God encompasses my future with purpose. 02:28:20 sherry Sink: Seek God’s Face-Tell the Story 02:28:31 iPadKris: Seek vision bravely, led by faith 02:28:35 Sharon Thompson: Here I am God, use me> 02:28:35 LindaLu: Praying-Accepting-Caring-Loving-Doing-Giving 02:28:39 Deborah Ray, WNCC, Smoky Mtn Distr president: Out of love, do not judge. 02:28:40 Carol Harper: New creation: working for the Kin-dom. 02:28:55 Barbara Horgan: Love, compassion, acceptance for all people 02:29:00 Lynn Alexander: Do not hesitate to take action 02:29:10 Jeanne's iPad: Dignity, acceptance, love, follow God’s path 02:29:26 Loretta Wilson: God is with you don't be afraid 02:29:35 Vickie: Spread Encouraging words to Gods children 02:29:36 Jenny: Walk where my neighbor has walked 02:29:47 Warren Owens: I'm called to acts of love. 02:29:47 Rebecca: Love everyone including your enemies. 02:29:56 Mel Shinaman: Reflect MY love through your actions. 02:30:02 Rhita: Listen, Love, Accept all God's Children 02:30:06 Donna Varner: Open heart, arms to every one 02:30:24 Lisa Bacon: Love everyone. especially your enemies. ;-) 02:30:24 Cathy Ward: GOD has a plan for me. 02:30:28 nancy norton: Love God. care for His children. 02:30:37 Gretchen Barelski: God’s love through action and connection 02:30:42 Debbie Eudy: All are important and loved by GOD 02:44:54 Sharon Thompson: Thank you, thank you, Amy! 02:45:31 Darlene Gardner: Thank you Lynn Alexander for all that you and the committee have done to make this such a meaningful mission u. 02:45:34 Debbie Eudy: Thank you Amy for a wonderful study 02:45:48 sylvia sekle: Thanks you Rev Cole for the wonderful and inspiring time we spent together (Mission U) 02:47:05 Tina Garner: Thank you so much everyone! This has been a great meeting! 02:47:06 Betty’s iPad: Great Mission U and activities, Rev Cole. Prayers and blessings. 02:47:23 Lynn Alexander: Thank you Rev Amy for such and insightful study! 02:48:09 Rhita: Thank you Rev. Coles and everyone who made this a very inspiring Mission U 02:48:10 Sandra Furr: This was a really good Mission U study. Thank you Amy, and to all the people who worked to put this together. And it was good to meet a number of people in our breakout sessions. Thank you for your insights. (Sandy Furr) 02:48:15 Loretta Wilson: Thank you everyone, excellent study. Thank you Rev. Coles I truly enjoyed the sessions. 02:48:16 Jeanne's iPad: Thank you Amy for a much needed and extremely useful study. Well done! 02:48:46 Donna Varner: Thanks for a wonderful study. Really enjoyed it. 02:49:16 Laquetta Barbee: This has been a fantastic study! Thanks 02:49:23 Sharon Thompson: Thank you Lynne G. for all of your work!! 02:49:30 Linda Johns: Thanks so much for the program Amy. You made it such a pleasant experience full of great information. 02:49:31 Jo Ann Black: My first Mission U 02:49:41 jan Taylor: Great study - so encouraging & enlightening. Thank you Mission u team and Rev. Amy! 02:49:57 Kim Shafer: Thank you to all the Lynn and all who put this wonderful Mission U together - everything was grand including the music 02:49:57 Jeanne's iPad: Grateful for the folks who put this study together. You are greatly appreciated. 02:50:08 Kathy: The music rocks! 02:50:20 LindaLu: Thank you so much Rev. Amy for this meaningful study through which you taught us and challenged us! And thank you, Lynn Alexander and Lynne Gilbert for making this all happen! 02:51:21 Brenda Steadman: A mighty force! 02:51:30 Amy Coles: Thank you Lynn Alexander for your leadership! Thanks to Lynne, Lisa, and Nancy for the excellent tech work! 02:51:53 Amy Coles: Thank you all for your participation! 02:52:42 Martha Phillips: This has been a wonderful study. Thank you Mission u committee and a big thank you to Amy for this spiritual study! 02:53:24 iPadKris: Wonderful Study! Thanks to all!😊 02:53:53 Kathy: This was awesome. Great making new friends! See at "Push Out". 02:54:25 Deborah Ray, WNCC, Smoky Mtn Distr president: Awesome song. Really love music and lyrics both. 02:55:37 LaDonna Butts: Hope to see everyone at one of the Pushout sessions! 02:55:38 sherry Sink: Great study. Thanks Amy and Lynn Alexander and all others that made this possible! 👏❤️ 02:56:46 Patricia Shoffner: frpm Patricia Shoffner Great study. Thanks Amy and Lynn Alexander and Lynne Gilbert and all the UMW team for a job well done! 02:57:05 nancy norton: Thank you, Amy, for giving us so much to think...and pray...about.