United Women in Faith - Western North Carolina Conference
We believe love in action can change the world.
2024 Spiritual Growth Retreat
Thursday, June 13 thru Saturday, June 15, 2024
Lake Junaluska
Theme: Bringing Light into a Darkened World
Retreat Leader: Rev. Marilyn Weiler
Music Leaders: Rev. Dr. Mark Barden
Catherine Ritch
Housing Reservations at Lake Junaluska are closed.
Registration for the retreat is closed.
Our Spiritual Growth Retreat Leaders

Rev. Marilyn Weiler
Retired Elder
Western North Carolina Conference
Retreat Leader
Rev. Dr. Mark Barden
Retired Elder
Western North Carolina Conference
Music Leader
Catherine Ritch
Circuit Riding Musician Ministry
Metro District
Music Leader
Resources from our Retreat Leader, Rev. Marilyn Weiler
Rev. Marilyn Weiler’s Sermon Manuscripts:
Session 1 – From the Beginning
Session 2 – The Prophecy
Session 3 – Fulfillment of the Prophecy
Session 4 – Our Charge
Retreat Details
- Retreat Registration
- COVID-19 Safety Measures
- Housing Reservations
- Retreat Leader
- Music Leaders
- Retreat Schedule
- Breakout Sessions
- Retreat Love Offering
- Hands On Mission
Retreat Registration:
Retreat Dates: Thursday, June 13 thru Saturday, June 15, 2024
Online Registration is OPEN and will be open thru June 10, 2024
- Important: See our COVID-19 Safety Measures & Instructions on the second tab.
- NEW! Download – Spiritual Growth Retreat Program Book 2024
- Retreat Registration Fee (In-Person): $25 per person thru May 15, 2024. $40 per person from May 16, 2024 thru June 10, 2024. Registration is ONLINE ONLY; there will be NO ON-SITE REGISTRATION, and registration will close on June 10, 2024. Registration fees are non-refundable, and, because of our COVID-19 Safety Measures, registration fees are also non-transferable.
- Register yourself AND others! Our online registration is for one person at a time, but one person can do multiple individual registrations using the same email address. Thanks for helping other members of your local unit to register online — especially those who may not use a computer!
- Our online registration process through the conference website using Stripe to securely process payment of the registration fee. Stripe is a secure, widely used processor of online payments. You will enter your registration information, and then complete your registration by paying online within one hour.
- Need Technical Assistance? Click here to submit request so we can help you.
COVID-19 Safety Measures
The health and safety of our members and attendees is a top priority for United Women in Faith. We all want to meet in person, and experience the special gift of sharing time together for our retreat. To do that, we will continue to lean into doing no harm, and making efforts to keep everyone safe. With that in mind, the following COVID-19 safety measures will be in place for our retreat. You will be asked to confirm that you will follow our COVID-19 safety measures:
- Mask wearing will be by personal choice for participants while inside buildings. Appropriate social distancing will be encouraged.
- Participants agree that they will stay home if they have any symptoms of illness, have tested positive, or have a known recent exposure.
Thank you for your understanding and help as we work to provide the safest possible environment for all in-person attendees at the 2024 Spiritual Growth Retreat.
Lake Junaluska Housing Reservations:
Reservations for housing at Lake Junaluska must be made separately from our retreat registration. Important note: The prices for The Terrace and Lambuth Inn that you will get on a phone call reservation, or through the online reservations system DO INCLUDE the room rates, the required five meal package, plus taxes and fees. For the Lake Junaluska Apartments, all prices include taxes and fees, but the meal package is optional.
To book Lake Junaluska lodging for the Spiritual Growth Retreat:
- Our suggestion is that unless you are very comfortable doing online reservations, you use the 800 number to call and make your retreat reservations.
- Beginning March 6, 2024, call the Lake Junaluska reservations department at 1-800-222-4930. Then the Reservations Department, and the next available agent will be glad to assist you. Tell the agent that you are making reservations for the Western North Carolina Conference United Women in Faith Spiritual Growth Retreat. The Lake Junaluska reservations team is on duty from 8:00 am until 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday.
- Beginning March 6, 2024, reservations can also be made online through the Lake Junaluska website. Click this link to access that online reservations system.
- Housing Rate Information:
- Housing in Lake facilities may fill up quickly, so make your reservations early. We encourage you if at all possible to stay on the grounds to help support the facilities at Lake Junaluska. If the Lake facilities are full, there are lots of motels near the Assembly grounds, visit the Haywood County Chamber of Commerce or the Maggie Valley Area Visitors Bureau for more information on available accommodations
Retreat Leader:
We are excited to announce that Rev. Marilyn Weiler will be our retreat leader for the 2024 Spiritual Growth Retreat. Marilyn retired in 2022 after serving 7 years as the senior pastor at Pine Grove UMC in Winston-Salem in the Yadkin Valley District.
More about Marilyn…
Rev. Marilyn Kearns Lawrence Weiler was born in Winston-Salem, NC and was baptized there at Centenary UMC. Following in the Methodist tradition of her family since the 1700s, her loving parents, Gilbert & Rachel Lawrence, brought her up at Centenary through activities of Sunday School, VBS, Church Camp, Confirmation & Growing in Faith, UMYF, Worship, Mission Work, and Church Leadership. This foundation continues to support her in her life’s journey.
After graduating from Meredith College, Marilyn began her 50-year marriage to her high-school sweetheart, John Weiler who died in 2023. They are the proud parents of their incredible daughter, Johanna. Marilyn taught High School Math and Computer Science and earned a MEd in Mathematics from Campbell University. Later she entered the corporate world and continued to help others to be life-long learners as she focused on Organizational Development, Leadership Development, and Succession Planning for, what was then, the Hanes Divisions of Sara Lee Corporation.
While a member at Main Street UMC in Kernersville, Marilyn discerned a call to ordained ministry. When it was affirmed, she left the corporate world and earned her MDiv from The Divinity School at Duke University. She started her ministry as a new church planter and has continued to lead congregations through difficult times of transition to a more vital life. After serving churches in rural, suburban, town, and urban settings, she now enjoys her retired status at Centenary UMC in Winston Salem, NC.
Music Leaders:
Our music leaders for 2024 will be: Rev. Dr. Mark Barden and Catherine Ritch.
Rev. Dr. Mark Barden: Rev. Dr. Mark L. Barden is no stranger to the United Women in Faith. While serving on the Western NC Conference Staff (2000-2011), he was the staff liaison to the conference United Methodist Women. Through the years, he has participated in many UWF/UMW events including leading music at district and conference gatherings.
Mark is the son of a WNCC United Methodist pastor and grandson of United Methodist missionaries who served in Africa. He began his career teaching journalism and broadcasting at the University of Mississippi and Murray State University (Ky.). Following his call to ordained ministry, he completed seminary at Duke University , later earning a doctorate in Arts and Theology from Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, DC. He has served churches throughout our conference in addition to serving on conference staff. Mark retired in June 2023.
For 25 years, he has collaborated with Catherine Ritch on a variety of ventures. From leading music and performing concerts to photographing and designing covers for Catherine’s books, they have traveled all over the world gathering stories of God’s love at work through the church and its missions.
He is married to the Rev. Barbara Barden, retired clergy from Myers Park UMC, Charlotte. They have a son, Chris, a computer software developer, who lives in Charlotte.
Catherine Ritch: Catherine Ritch, a native of Matthews, NC, is a published composer and author of inspirational fiction, non-fiction and children’s books with 27 books currently in print, and 7 others currently in process. A frequent speaker/musician in a variety of venues, she has entertained or spoken for audiences around the globe. She was selected as the International Profile of The United Methodist Church for September 2009 because of her continual work and efforts with missions for schools in areas of natural disasters.
A radio personality once said of Ritch, “Catherine’s lightning quick wit and musical talent are astonishing enough, but combined with her never ending source of positive energy, the woman is a ball of fire that’s sure to inspire.” Put Catherine on a piano, organ or keyboard and from Bach to Broadway to Boogie to the Best of Gospel, she’ll have the audience enthralled with the rhythms of life.
One of Catherine’s most fun ventures is a comedy series featuring Miz Eudora Rumph of Smackass Gap, NC, which happens to be a real place (where Methodists have The Hinton Retreat Center). Dressed as Miz Eudora, she has entertained doctors and medical personnel, ministers and bishops, teachers and various other groups with “Laughter Is the Best Medicine” through the simple mountain wit and wisdom of her Appalachian grandmother. In Catherine’s words, “People in today’s society take themselves way too seriously or get caught up in unnecessary stresses. A good dose of Miz Eudora is a cure for all that ails you, and also for that which don’t!”
Catherine has been introduced as an author, composer, comedienne, entertainer, teacher, musician, inspirational/motivational speaker, and volunteer-in-mission, but her favorite way to be acknowledged is “friend.”
Retreat Schedule: (Approximate)
- Thursday, June 13
- 2:00pm – Registration opens
- 7:00 – 8:15pm – Opening session, Harrell Auditorium
- Friday, June 14
- Breakout options – 9:00 to 10:15am, and 10:30 to 11:45am
- 2:00 – 3:15pm – Second session, Harrell Auditorium
- 7:00 – 8:15pm – Third session , Harrell Auditorium
- Saturday, June 15
- 10:00 – 11:30am – Closing worship, with Holy Communion, Harrell Auditorium
Breakout Sessions
Breakout Sessions – Friday, June 9, 9:00 – 10:15am
- United Women in Faith Choir – Led by Mark Barden and Catherine Ritch.
- Boat Trip around the Lake (Limited to 30 persons) – $12.00
- Trolley Garden Tour (Limited to 30 persons) – $12.00
- Book Study – Other Words for Home – Led by Jennie Greenway, Blue Ridge District
Breakout Sessions – Friday, June 9, 10:30 – 11:45am
- Boat Trip around the Lake (Limited to 30 persons) – $12.00
- Trolley Garden Tour (Limited to 30 persons) – $12.00
- General Conference 2024 Re-cap
- Jazzercise with Jesus – Led by LaDonna Butts
- Walk around the Lake – Led by Valerie Prim
Retreat Love Offering
A Gift to Undesignated Mission Giving…
You may make your Love Offering gift in two ways this year:
Mail it directly to:
Bess Redmond, Conference Treasurer
19 Wright’s Cove Trail
Fairview, NC 28730
Please make checks payable to: Treasurer, WNCC UMW
Or, make your gift online today using the Donate link below:
- Click here to DONATE to the Retreat Love Offering
- We use Stripe as our secure online payment processor. You may use any of several credit/debit cards to make your gift.
- You will receive a email receipt confirming your gift to the Conference Love Offering.
We invite you to give generously!
Giving is a way for United Women in Faith / United Methodist Women to give expression to their faith.
Giving is a privilege – a gift of God’s grace. …from United Methodist Women in Mission
Hands On Mission Opportunity
UMCOR HYGIENE KIT – Providing basic necessities to those who are most vulnerable during times of crisis. Hygiene Kits are distributed during disasters, whether socio-economic or as the result of a natural occurrence.
UMCOR Hygiene Kit Assembly from Global Ministries and UMCOR.
Countdown to 2024 Spiritual Growth Retreat!
We all need a break from our busy lives, a time for reflection, a time to listen for God’s guidance. We are so busy doing all the things we are called upon to do, we don’t often take the time to slow down, to sit back and think about the things that are really important. Join us to pray, to listen, to study, to fellowship with United Women in Faith from across the conference, and to spend some quiet time in reflection.
Joanie Strohm, Lynn Alexander, Bess Redmond, Laquetta Barbee, Vickie Brown, Cathy McCauley, Rhita Newcomb, Sarah Lee, Amy McCraw, Lynne GilbertA retreat is a time to reflect upon your relationship with God. It is a time to be attentive as God speaks to us. The committee has worked hard to plan an inspirational retreat. We anticipate a wonderful time together. We hope you will join us in June, either in-person, or by watching the live stream.
Have a question? Need more information? Contact Sandy Hieronymus, our interim conference 2024 Mission Coordinator for Spiritual Growth
Prior Year Program Books:
- 2024 Spiritual Growth Retreat [PDF]
- 2023 Spiritual Growth Retreat [PDF]
- 2022 Spiritual Growth Retreat [PDF]
- 2021 Spiritual Growth Retreat [PDF]
- 2019 Spiritual Growth Retreat [PDF]
- 2018 Spiritual Growth Retreat [PDF]
- 2017 Spiritual Growth Retreat [PDF]
- 2016 Spiritual Growth Retreat [PDF]
- 2015 Spiritual Growth Retreat [PDF]
- 2014 Spiritual Growth Retreat [PDF]