United Women in Faith - Western North Carolina Conference
We believe love in action can change the world.
Mission u 2024
August 2-3, 2024
The Catholic Conference Center, Hickory, North Carolina
Passionate about mission?
Love to learn?
Want to engage with others who are?
Then Mission u is right for you!
Online registration opens June 17th!
Mission u 2024: Welcome Home Mission Study – PowerPoint Slides
Mission u 2024 Details!
- Basic Information
- Registration Costs
- Mission u 2024 Leaders
- Hands On Mission
- School Officers
- COVID Safety Protocols
Registration is ONLINE only, and open June 17 through July 25. (There is no onsite registration.)
Registration costs vary with housing and student type. Fees for full-time students range from $90 (non-resident with meals) to $250 (all meals and private room with private bath), depending on type of accommodations.
Dates: Friday, August 2 through Saturday, August 3
Location: The Catholic Conference Center, Hickory, North Carolina
Coming Soon! Conference Gram – June 2024 – Mission u Issue
Childcare will be NOT be available.
Study books should be ordered in advance; they will not be available for sale at the event. You may order a study book for pickup at Mission u as part of the registration process, if you register by July 12th. If you choose to order a book to be delivered to you (which will increase your shipping costs), you may do so at https://uwfaithresources.org/
- Adult Study: Welcome Home – M3380 – Welcome Home is an adult curriculum that explores how we can know God as an intimate friend who welcomes us. Abiding in God’s safety and dwelling in God’s provision, allows us to open our hearts to a fuller embrace of the power and presence of God so that we may find our home in God.
Kindle version of the adult study is available at www.amazon.com.
Hands-on Mission: UMCOR Menstrual Hygiene Kits (guidelines on assembling and packing the kits may be found at https://umcmission.org/umcor-menstrual-hygiene-kit/
CEU/Advanced Lay Servant Credit: Participants can apply to receive CEU’s and Advanced Lay Servant credit. Forms will be available at Mission u.
Schedule: Check-in will begin at 10:00 AM on Friday, August 2nd. Mission u will open with worship Friday at 11:30 AM. Lunch will be served at 12:00 noon and the first session will begin at 1:30 PM. Friday afternoon will include parts 1 and 2 of the study. Dinner will be served at 6:00. Breakfast Saturday will be served at 8:00 AM. Part 3 of the study will follow breakfast, lunch at Noon, and Part 4 and closing worship after lunch. We expect to conclude at 3:00pm.
Morning Praise will be held Saturday morning at 7:30 AM on the terrace (weather permitting).
First-timer Scholarships: Each District offers a $150 scholarship for a person attending Mission u for the first time. Information and applications are available from your District President. Additional scholarship funds are often available through you local unit; contact your unit president for information.
For everyone’s safety and well-being, we will follow all CDC protocols in place at the time. See separate tab for our COVID safety protocols.
All registration fees include lunch and dinner on Friday, and breakfast and lunch on Saturday. All lodging rooms include 2 double beds and private bath, same as a hotel room, all linens provided. The following are the registration costs based on the type of participant:
- Full Time Resident – Private room w/bathroom ($250)
- Full Time Resident – Double room w/bathroom ($175)
- Full Time Resident – Triple room w/bathroom ($140)
- Full Time Resident – Quad room w/bathroom ($125)
- Full Time Non-Resident with meals ($90)
REFUND POLICY: Registration fees are not refundable.
Our Mission u 2024 Retreat Leaders are:
Adult Mission Study – Welcome Home:
Nancy Litton – In addition to her role as Assistant Dean, Nancy Elizabeth Litton is coordinating and participating as a Study Leader for Mission u 2024. Nancy has been a North Carolinian since 1998. She currently lives in Kannapolis with her daughter Katie and two cats. She comes from a family of women who were members of United Methodist Women – she will show you her UMW charm from her great Aunt Edith Cherry, circa late 1800’s. Nancy joined UMW in 2006 as a circle president quickly joined our District Leadership Team. As a District officer Nancy has served as Secretary of Program Resources, Coordinator for Mission, Education & Interpretation. In 2017 Nancy took the first steps to become a Deaconess within the Order of Deaconess; Home Missioner (DHM) within the United Methodist Church. She was consecrated at 2022 General Assembly and is currently appointed to Trinity United Methodist Church, Kannapolis in congregate care.
Martha Efird – Martha lives on Lake Norman in Huntersville with her dog Grace. She is an attorney with the Charlotte firm Moore; Van Allen PLLC. Born into the Methodist Church, Martha grew to be a faithful and faith-filled servant of our Lord. In addition to serving at the local, district, and conference levels of United Women of Faith, Martha served locally in her home church Mouzon UMC – now Woodlawn Community Fellowship, as well as serving in District and Conference roles. Martha is a Certified Lay Servant Minister and has led both basic and advanced courses through the years. Most recently she led the advanced LSM course from the book Soul Reset by the late Rev. Junius B. Dotson. When invited, Martha enjoys writing and sharing messages at local churches. Recently, Martha resumed ballet, a passion she has had since she was 5 years old. She loves travelling to Michigan and Montana.
Michelene Mathews – Michelene is a very happy Retiree who enjoys caring for her two handsome grandsons. She serves as the local President of our United Women in Faith at St. Mark’s UMC Charlotte and the Advisor and Coordinator of the Dance Ministry – Angels of Grace and Expressions of Praise. Michelene have served her district in the past as ME&I, Program Resource Coordinator and District UMW President. She also serves as one of the
Coordinators for Lay Servant classes. Additionally, she has served as Dean of our Mission u and on the Conference Nomination team. She states, “I am grateful to have this opportunity to serve at Mission u this year.”Sylvia Sekle-Dueh – Sylvia is a member of Hickory Grove – Charlotte and she is currently serving as the worship committee chairperson and Health and Wellness/Wholeness Ministry chairperson. She was consecrated and commissioned as a deaconess in the United Methodist Church on May 18, 2018. Outside of her church activities, she is an adoption and pregnancy support and generic services social worker by profession. She has worked for the Catholic
Diocese of Charlotte for the past 11 years. Sylvia is married and this union is blessed with two beautiful children, a boy 13 years old and a girl 19 years old.
Music Leader – Darlene Gardner has always been involved in music of some kind. She began playing piano at the age of 9. As an adult, she has been involved with her church choir as both a singer and accompanist. For the last 16 years Darlene has served as music director at Centenary UMC of Clemmons. She also sings with the Yadkin Valley District Senior Choir known as The Joy Singers. Darlene believes music is a wonderful way to praise the Lord.
Hands-on Mission: UMCOR Menstrual Hygiene Kits
- Guidelines on assembling and packing the kits may be found at https://umcmission.org/umcor-menstrual-hygiene-kit/
- PDF of instructions for assembling an UMCOR Menstrual Hygiene Kit
- VIDEO of assembling an UMCOR Menstrual Hygiene Kit
- Important notes:
- All items must be new.
- Do not wash any of the items as they will no longer be considered new.
- Do not include any personal notes, money or additional materials in the kits.
- Contents of kits or the containers of kits should not be imprinted with cartoon characters, advertisements, religious, patriotic, military or camouflage symbols.
School Officers:
- Dean: LaDonna Butts, Concord, NC
- Assistant Dean: Nancy Litton, Kannapolis, NC
- Coordinator: Karlah Burton, Greensboro, NC
Email any of these school officers with questions about Mission u 2024.
The health and safety of our members and attendees is a top priority for United Women in Faith. We all want to meet in person, and experience the special gift of sharing time together for our retreat. To do that, we will continue to lean into doing no harm, and making efforts to keep everyone safe. With that in mind, the following COVID-19 safety measures will be in place for our retreat. Please confirm below that you will follow our COVID-19 safety measures:
- Up to date COVID-19 Vaccinations are recommended (but not required) for all participants. Click to see CDC Guidelines related to being fully vaccinated and up to date.
- Mask wearing will be by personal choice for participants while inside buildings. Appropriate social distancing will be encouraged.
- Participants agree that they will stay home if they have any symptoms of illness, have tested positive, or have a known recent exposure.
Our 2024 Adult Mission Study
Welcome Home: Adult Curriculum
Welcome Home is an adult curriculum that explores how we can know God as an intimate friend who welcomes us. Abiding in God’s safety and dwelling in God’s provision, allows us to open our hearts to a fuller embrace of the power and presence of God so that we may find our home in God. Participants are invited to dig deeper into what it means to live in the kin-dom of God and how this helps us to develop practices for building and existing in healthier communities.
Resources for Children and Youth
Me in the Kin-dom: A Children's Curriculum
Me in the Kin-dom! is a children’s curriculum that helps children explore the kin-dom of God through the lens of the Lord’s Prayer. Children will experience how they are unique members of God’s kin-dom and learn they are also part of a larger community that welcomes all of God’s children.
Children will explore many Scriptures that will help them to learn to see, hear, and love as Christ teaches. This enables us to accept each other as God created us to be. Each session includes Scripture study, discussion, music, artistic expression, and even some opportunities for children to participate in outreach to others.
Cultivating Symbiosis: The Nature of God’s Kin-dom. A Youth Curriculum
Cultivating Symbiosis: The Nature of God’s Kin-dom is a youth curriculum that uses the idea of symbiosis to explore relationships with others and with God. Youth will examine different kinds of relationships and understand them as an ongoing journey toward the kin-dom. There is a symbiosis between our relationships to each other as humans and our relationship to God. By drawing closer to one another, we can draw closer to the kin-dom. By drawing closer to one another, we can collectively move, step by step, toward creating God’s kin-dom on earth as it is in heaven..
Our Love Offering will be a Gift to Mission Giving through United Women in Faith / United Methodist Women.
Countdown to Mission u 2024!
Each year, United Women in Faith gather to learn more about missions and about being in mission. In a United Methodist News Service commentary, Schools of Christian Mission …now MISSION U, were described as some of the very best lay faith education being offered in The United Methodist Church.

Mission u Virtual Recordings:
Mission u Program Books:
- 2024 Program Book
- 2019 Program Book
- 2018 Program Book
- 2017 Program Book
- 2016 Program Book
- 2015 Program Book