United Women in Faith - Western North Carolina Conference
We believe love in action can change the world.United Women in Faith / United Methodist Women Logo Apparel
We have created an custom store through Queensboro Shirt Company where you can order clothing and other items embroidered or printed with the official United Women in Faith / United Methodist Women logo. The logo is already loaded into the account, so there are no setup fees when you place an order. And, the prices that you see in the online store include the embroidery. Queensboro runs various specials at different times in the store. All you have to do to place an order is to visit the site, register to create yourself a login, and begin shopping!
To visit our custom store our Logo, go to: wnccumw.qbstores.com
Just in case you are wondering…our conference does not receive any commission or benefit from this opportunity. The prices you see are determined by Queensboro Shirt Company. And, you are doing business with, and making payments directly to the Queensboro Shirt Company through our custom store. Any questions about the merchandise, shipments, payments, etc. should be directed to them. Queensboro Shirt Company is located & operated in Wilmington, North Carolina; you can visit their regular website and learn more about them at www.queensboro.com. A number of our members have purchased apparel from them; their quality, timeliness, and customer service have been very good. We have created this custom store opportunity to make it easy for our members to order something embroidered or printed with the United Women in Faith / United Methodist Women logo.

The web address for the special United Methodist Women logo apparel is:
The United Methodist Women logo, and the new United Women in Faith logo are available in our store.