Signup Today for our Email informed!
Be an informed United Women in Faith member! Join today and begin receiving United Women in Faith news from across our Western North Carolina Conference, and from our national office.
Join our Email List
We have an email list through which we share information about conference events, the Conference Gram, links to information on our web site and the United Women in Faith website, etc. It is a broadcast only email list, so you will only receive email from the conference. We are excited about this additional way of sharing information with United Women in Faith across our conference. It makes it possible for us to quickly share new information…beyond what we can do through our quarterly conference newsletter. Over 5,000 United Women in Faith are participating now, and we hope the list will continue to grow. Thanks for your help in telling others about this opportunity.
Our email list software is being provided by Constant Contact. It is now very simple to join our list!
To do that…you can do one of three things:
- You can now do it yourself…just click here to sign up now! The link will take you to a registration page for our email list provided by Constant Contact. There you will be asked to provide your email address and other contact information. Just complete the requested information, and you will begin receiving email from our list. You will have the opportunity to sign up for our main list, and, if you are interested…one or more district lists. Just a reminder…our list is private…your information will not be shared or sold.
- Just send an email to Lynne Gilbert, and provide her with your name, email address, and district, and she will sign you up!
- Or, pass around an Email List Sign Up Sheet in your local unit to encourage folks to join our email list. Return the list to Lynne Gilbert.
Help us save postage & printing costs! Receive your Conference Gram via email only! We are offering folks on our email list, who also receive the Conference Gram via US Mail, the opportunity to be removed from the paper mailing list, and to just receive the Conference Gram via email or by reading it on our website. We can save printing and postage costs by having as many people as possible to agree to receive the Conference Gram electronically. Those savings can make our mission dollars go farther in making a difference in the lives of women, children and youth around the world.
If you are receiving the printed Conference Gram via US Mail, and are willing to change to receiving it electronically only, just click here, and then fill out the requested information, update your list options to include the Save Postage lists for the Conference Gram and/or your district newsletter, and hit the “Sign Up” button. Thank You!!