United Women in Faith - Western North Carolina Conference
We believe love in action can change the world.Conference Financial Goal 2025:
Each unit will increase their Gift in Memory giving by 10%
Strategy ideas to help us reach this goal:
- Lift up the ways to make gift through the Gift in Memory channel of MISSION GIVING
- Have packets of Gift in Memory cards available at district, conference, and local events.
- Share the many ways possible to make a gift.
- You can send any card, and still make a Gift in Memory gift of at least $5.00 through United Women in Faith.
- Consider sending a Gift in Memory card on the anniversary of a death, or a first Christmas (or other special holiday) after the death of a loved one.
- Gift in Memory cards on All Saints Day to families of deceased persons in your local church.
- Interpretation and education on Gift in Memory, and of course all of our five channels of Mission Giving: Pledge to Mission, Special Mission Recognition, Gift in Memory, Gift to Mission, and World Thank Offering
- Give through your local treasurer
- Online giving, thru our conference website – all channels are possible, and will be credited to your district & local unit
- Share ideas on our Facebook – Use photos, videos, stories, etc.
- District Newsletters and communications.
- Local church newsletters / bulletins to get church involved.
- Invite your district treasurer or other district or conference officers to come to a meeting to explain the five channels of Mission Giving. Zoom or in person