United Women in Faith - Western North Carolina Conference

We believe love in action can change the world.

Membership Nurture and Outreach

Membership Nurture and Outreach

The Samaritan woman at the well in John 4:4-42 boldly stepped out of her comfort zone to invite her community to Christ. We, too, must reach outside our comfortable group of friends to invite others to join us in mission as United Methodist Women. Here we find a place to nurture faith, experience community and put faith hope and love into action on behalf of women, children and youth.  (Adapted from United Methodist Women Handbook 2013-1016)

Here are a few membership tips from Molly Welch, our conference Mission Coordinator for Membership Nurture & Outreach:

  • You do not have to be a United Methodist to be a member of United Methodist Women.
  • It can take at least five invitations for someone to accept when you invite them to see what United Methodist Women is all about!
  • Nurture your current membership while inviting others to join you on our journey.
  • What do you love about UMW? TELL SOMEONE!!
  • Participate in District and Conference events….you will learn, grow spiritually, and be a part of a creative, supportive fellowship of women whose focus is mission with women, children and youth.
  • Invite all women of your church to join you!
  • Do not assume everyone understands what we mean when we say things like: Call to Prayer and Self-Denial, Unit Meeting, Circle/Group Meeting, Gift to Mission, Pledge to Mission, Special Mission Recognition, etc.

125 Membership Ideas!

Ubuntu Day of Service

Let's Walk Together for Mission

Local Unit Visitation (LUV) Opportunities

Local Unit Visitations (LUV)

Why have district or conference officers come to your local unit?

  • The officers can answer questions you might have about: the work of United Methodist Women; what we are doing as a district or conference; how you can participate even more fully in mission with women, children and youth; where does the money go; what is Mission Today; how can we grow as a unit; what can we do about social justice issues; etc.
  • You will build a stronger relationship with the officer, district and conference.
  • The officers are here to support YOU. Each member and local unit of the United Methodist Women is vital the mission work that is done with women, children and youth.
  • The officers can bring resources for you to use in your local unit.
  • The officers can tell you about all the district and conference events. What is Mission u? What do we do at Conference Annual Meeting? What is Ubuntu? What is the District Mission Study?
  • The officers can help if you feel you need leadership development, creative programming, growing your unit, etc.
  • This gives you an opportunity to share any thoughts or concerns you may have.
  • This fulfills criteria #20 to be a Mission Today unit.
  • The officers want an opportunity to get to know you! You are invaluable to our organization and we want to say “Thank You.”

How do I invite an officer to come to my local unit?

  • Contact your Nurturing Partner. Each local unit has a district officer who is a Nurturing Partner. You should hear from your Nurturing Partner throughout the year. Invite them to come to an event you are having, a unit meeting, UMW Sunday, etc.
  • Check the district newsletters for a list of the Nurturing Partners and their local units.
  • Contact your district president if you are not sure who your Nurturing Partner is.
  • When planning your programs, invite someone from the district to come and present one of your programs.
  • Or just invite the officer to share fellowship with your local unit.
  • If you have any additional questions about how to invite an officer to your local unit, contact Molly Welch (molly.welch9311@gmail.com), the WNCC UMW Membership Nurture and Outreach Coordinator.

Have a question? Need more information?
Contact Molly Welch, our conference Mission Coordinator for Membership Nurture & Outreach

Download the myUMWform [PDF].
All members of the United Methodist Women are asked to complete a membership log and you will receive a membership card. You may register at unitedmethodistwomen.org or fill out the information on this form and your president or another member of your leadership team will fill out the form online for you.