legacydayofgiving100On March 23, 1869, eight women gathered at Tremont Methodist Episcopal Church in Boston, Massachusetts, and organized the Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society, what would become United Methodist Women. Those women raised money to send a doctor, Clara Swain, and a teacher, Isabella Thoburn, to India as missionaries to serve the women of that nation.

Celebrate the dedication and foresight of our foremothers in mission as we lead up to our 150th anniversary in 2019 with a special Day of Giving, March 23, 2015.

Gifts to the legacy fund can be made in several ways:











Make a gift by check, and send it through your local United Methodist Women treasurer. Click here to download our Western North Carolina Conference commitment card & information sheet regarding the Legacy Fund. Be sure to send your commitment card with your check.

Our Western North Carolina Every Member Legacy Fund Goal:
That every member of United Methodist Women make a gift to The Legacy Fund of at least $18.69 per year, over and above her Pledge to Mission, for five years (2015-2019)

Choose YOUR way to participate in the Day of Giving! Just participate!

More information on our website: We have added a Legacy Fund / 150th Anniversary page to our website…where we will continue to add and share information as we move toward our 150th anniversary in 2019…check it out!
